Upcoming Webinar Panelists

Hon. Dennitah Ghati, HSC 

Hon. Dennitah Ghati, HSC is a well-known gender, women’s rights and disability rights advocate in Kenya, East Africa and beyond. Up until August 2022, Hon. Ghati was a specially elected Member of Parliament for Persons with Disabilities in the Kenya National Assembly. Previously, she was elected Women Representative for Migori County 2013-2017. A recipient of the 2021 Shujaaz Awards for her exemplary work in promoting the Welfare of Persons with Disabilities, Hon. Dennitah Ghati is also former President of the Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities Network, a network of 56 Legislatures of the Commonwealth spanning across Africa, Asia, Pacific, Pakistan, the Europe and the Caribbean. Hon. Dennitah Ghati currently sits on the Advisory Board of the Centre for Commonwealth Affairs, UK - a pan-Commonwealth think tank working with partners and members across the Commonwealth to improve on global issues.

Lucy Mulombi 

Lucy is a grassroot disability inclusive feminist who champions for sexual reproductive rights and keen on gender based violence related issues and how they affect women and girls with disabilities. She is also a climate change champion who advocates for inclusivity of women and girls with disabilities in matters climate change. 

As a self-proclaimed grassroot advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities and as a gender activist, women and Girls with disabilities have a special place in Lucy’s heart. She believes that for change to be realized, persons with disabilities must be at the planning table. 'Nothing for us without us and if you don't push, you don't get'. She encourages parents of children with disabilities, caregivers and the community at large to give priority to children with disabilities in terms of school and provision of social amenities.

Mildred Omino 
Mildred is a Feminist, Disability Justice Champion and
 Atlantic Fellow for Health Equity. She is the Disability Liaison Officer at the University of Nairobi and runs Equity Voice , a platform for candid conversations on equity from a Social Justice & intersectional lens. 

She is a member of the Just Cities Working Group, Kenya Network of Women with Disabilities. Her written articles and speaking engagements are focused on building Just, Inclusive and Healthier societies. She is passionate about Health EquityEducation Equity, Climate Justice, Gender Justice & urban justice. Her academic and professional background is in Public Administration and Development Studies.

Phylis Mbeke 
Phylis is the Executive Director at Women spaces Africa, a feminist disability-led organization working on access to information and services on SRHR. She has been working with the grassroots movement on advocacy for sexual reproductive health and rights for the past fourteen years.

Her work is centered on promoting the inclusive participation of girls and women with disabilities in programming, taking cognizance of their double marginalization that arises out of gender and Disability stereotypes. She has gained recognition on a global scale as one of the Global Health Award winner 2023 and Radical Love Fellow 2023. She believes the community lens is crucial for policymakers and is a diver to regional and international conventions. 

Vilda Atieno 
Vilda is a young woman with disability from Kisumu County. She has been in the advocacy space championing for the rights of girls and women with disabilities in regards to health for two years. She has participated in both regional and national conferences as a youth speaker. 

As an advocate, she is currently serving as a youth panel member in a consortium program called Make Way embracing an intersectionality approach to echo the voices of youth with compounding vulnerability.As a survivor of sexual gender based violence, she is also keen to echo the voices of youth disabilities in regards to autonomy and rights.Vilda is currently awaiting graduation next month(December 2023)with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work.She is also a member of the Kenya Network of Women and Girls with Disabilities.

Commissioner Washington O. Sati, MBS: Vice Chairperson, Commission on Administrative Justice
Commr. Washington Sati is a Commissioner and the Vice Chairperson of the Commission on Administrative Justice (Office of the Ombudsman). He’s currently pursuing a PhD in Political Science and Public Administration at The University of Nairobi. He holds a Master’s degree in Human Rights and Governance and a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Sociology.

Before his appointment as a Commissioner and Vice Chair of the Commission on Administrative Justice, he was the Deputy Director in Charge of Research and Compliance at the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights. He also served as Principal Program Officer at the National Gender and Equality Commission in the year 2016-2018. 

As a Gender, Disability Inclusion, Governance and Human Rights expert, he has extensive experience on human rights issues, research and advocacy with specialist in social Justice, political and economic rights as well as project management including needs identification, design, implementation, budgeting, reporting, monitoring and evaluation.  His work has been published in public health journals and has presented at Global HIV and social science Conferences in Belgium, Canada, Mexico, the US, Turkey and the Netherlands. He is also a holder of Commonwealth Professional Fellowship in 2008 to work at the National Centre for Independent Living in London. 


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