
Showing posts from July, 2024

‘There is No perfect moment to be a it everyday’

As a Network, we continue exploring different ways to advance disability inclusion. We endeavor to keep playing a part to ensure that our communities are more inclusive and more accessible to persons with disabilities. Importantly, to support women and girls with disabilities to exercise leadership in their everyday life. One of the activities that we have recently conducted through the support of the Ford Foundation is holding Strategic Dialogues with Youths with Disabilities from different Higher Learning Institutions to reflect through leadership and what it means to them; barriers to their inclusion in their communities and collectively reflecting on solutions to challenges that they face. We brought together 20 young people with disabilities from 10   higher learning  institutions such as the University of Nairobi, Mt. Kenya University, Tangaza University, Thika Technical Institute, Kenya Institute of Special Education, Kenyatta University, NITA (National Industrial Training Autho