As the Kenya Network of Women and Girls with Disabilities continues to amplify the experiences of women and girls with disabilities within leadership and governance spaces, through support from the Ford Foundation,the Network has embarked on a campaign that seeks to showcase the experiences of 40 women and girls with disabilities from across four counties namely Kakamega, Kisumu, Nairobi, and Mombasa in Kenya.The leadership journey is not without its struggles.It can get more difficult for women and girls with disabilities who often have to navigate different barriers within their environments.Leadership experiences are not limited to certain spaces.Our women with disabilities are therefore in leadership and different spaces.They are in political leadership;they are village ward administrators, they are activists and champion the rights of women and girls with disabilities in different spaces. What common characteristics do they have?

  • They are women with disabilities who are bothered by the systemic discrimination that continues to push women and girls with disabilities to the margins in leadership spaces.
  • Above all, they are women with disabilities excited to inspire other women with their leadership experience.
Every week we shall publish the experiences of each of these leaders speaking on different themes as crucial components in their leadership journey. These include stigma and discrimination; accessibility; leadership, as well as memorable quotes on their leadership journeys. 

Cate Syokau,a 31 year old woman with a disability, precisely a wheelchair user from Nairobi County. As a young woman with a disability, she is passionate about advocating for inclusion of persons with disabilities, specifically women and girls. 

During August 2022 Kenya General Elections, she contested for an elective position as Member of County Assembly in Kithimani Ward, Yatta Constituency in Machakos County.There were fourteen candidates and she was the only woman with a disability and youth among thirteen men. This did not scare her despite her opponents persuading her to step down. She came in fourth position, a feat that she is very proud of. Because of the bold step she took, people in her community have embraced her leadership skills and together are working towards achieving an inclusive society.

Catherine Namayi is based in Kakamega County. She is an active citizen in her community. She is also a leader in many spaces and this is something that she is really proud of. For instance, recently she was elected as the Chairperson of the Committee on Climate Change in her Ward. This is one way to have the perspectives of women with disabilities in climate change conversations. She is in other leadership spaces such as Secretary General of Kakamega County Disability Caucus and also a Peer Advisor on women with disabilities issues. 

She is a gender-based violence national champion advocating for, supporting and following up on gender-based violence cases in her community and county at large. She trains and sensitizes community on gender-based violence policies and measures to stop the cases and empowers the community to create an inclusive barrier-free environment for women and girls with disabilities. She also champions reproductive and mental health for women and girls with disabilities. As a trained paralegal, Catherine participates in policy drafting processes to stop gender-based violence, support and empower women and girls with disabilities in her community.

Shariffa Athman is a dedicated advocate for the rights of girls and women with disabilities ailing from the vibrant Mombasa County. Over the past five years, she has passionately immersed herself in this mission, striving to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those who face unique challenges. Her driving force is the belief in the power of inclusion within her community. She sees it as the key to unlocking the full potential of individuals with disabilities. She is committed to personal growth, evolving into a stronger and more effective leader.
She aspires to empower the next generation of girls and women with disabilities in various dimensions of life. This includes addressing social inequalities, nurturing mental well-being, influencing political change, and fostering a sense of belonging in religious contexts. Her dedication is unwavering and remains steadfast in her resolve to create an inclusive and equitable community where the strengths of individuals with disabilities are celebrated and embraced.

Alice Wairimu is a young person with a disability from Nairobi County who is very tenacious and dedicated to working with and for persons with disabilities. She has been able to create awareness about disability at her university, visited various schools, and attended community forums to highlight the situation of persons with disabilities and the community at large. 

Through her efforts, she has been able to inspire people as a short-stature person and also challenged her community to take the initiative to ensure the well-being of persons with disabilities under their care. Alice was elected as the Secretary to represent people with disabilities in a political party in Kenya. Through this experience, she has been able to gain some essential advocacy skills which have helped her to continue advocating for and with persons with disabilities as she knows what it feels like to be in their situation and aspires to fight for a better and equal society where everyone can thrive.

Videliz Njoki is a Deaf disability activist from Nairobi County. She engages in community activities by advocating and championing for equity and inclusion as well as accessibility in private and public institutions, for all, including those with disabilities. She has worked with different organizations working with persons with disabilities. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, she designed a program in her community for Deaf girls and women. The program entailed mentorship and availing safe space to express themselves as most Deaf girls and women were negatively affected by the pandemic. They became jobless, were victims of gender-based violence, increased teenage pregnancies and mental health.

She loves acting and creates short videos in Kenyan Sign Language and has performed in two movies. She also hosts a show on a local TV station that considers different solutions to barriers faced by persons with disabilities. Videliz has been recognized by various organizations and awarded for the work done in her community. 

Joyce Achieng' is a wife and mother of two boys from Nairobi County. She has a visual disability and has been partially Deaf since 2009. She is the Co-founder of a community-based organization in her community where she trains students on information technology and soap making among others. She is a volunteer facilitator in a local organization involved with training youths on community service,leadership and governance.
At the organization, she serves as finance and counseling lead. This has broadened her scope of work and made her think outwardly about how society has labeled people with disabilities when it comes to work. Now, she is happy that she can be of great help in somebody's life despite all the odds faced because of different barriers. Joyce wants to inspire women and girls to see the worth within themselves beside the barriers they face in the communities they live in. 

Vilda Atieno is from Kisumu County. She is a Social Work student awaiting graduation. Despite having overcome many challenges and got into leadership platforms, she confirmed that it has not been a walk in the park having been compounded by several vulnerabilities. This was all contributed by her experiences growing up as a young girl with a disability. She has made great strides in her leadership journey, including serving as a Global and Regional youth panel member on matters of sexual reproductive health and rights; and serving as a youth panel member in the Make Way Program which enabled her to address issues affecting youths with disabilities in their diversity. 

She has held a leadership position representing persons with disabilities at her university parliament for two terms and volunteered as a youth advocate in a civil society organization. Vilda is motivated to share her lived story with other young women and girls as it aligns with her core vision of impacting people’s lives. She is mainly motivated by the fact that she can inspire other girls and women with disabilities in her local community and learn from them.

Mercylyne Balang'a is from Kakamega County. She is a dedicated professional with a strong background in education and currently serving as a Revenue Service Assistant at the Kenya Revenue Authority. Her journey into leadership began during her early years in primary school where she honed important skills that have continued to shape her path. From her primary school days, she displayed a natural inclination for leadership. She held positions as both Class Prefect and an active member of the Christian Union, experiences that taught me the values of responsibility, teamwork, and effective communication.These roles ultimately led to her appointment as the Head Girl of the school. 

She has had the privilege of being the Chairlady of the Wildlife and Tourism Club, contributing to environmental initiatives. Her diverse experience have instilled in her a strong work ethic, passion for excellence and a deep sense of empathy for those around her. She is driven by her desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others and contribute to the betterment of her community.

Miriam is an Early Childhood Development teacher, a Para-rower and a mentor to young girls and women with disabilities from Mombasa County. She is a Co-founder of Bintisphere Society. She describes herself as kind, honest, patient, and introverted. Under Bintisphere programs, Miriam has recruited and mobilized girls with disabilities and held dialogues on topics, some considered sensitive such as discussions on sex, reproductive health and gender-based violence. There are also conversations around self-esteem based on their own experience as young girls and women with disabilities. Swimming is also a fun activity they engage in to accompany the conversations.

She trains in para rowing sports which gives participants an opportunity to explore water sports. As a result, some of the girls have developed an interest in taking pararowing sports as part of their career or hobby,” said Miriam adding that some have participated in national events while others got a chance to get classification and represent Kenya in future international races. Miriam has faced the inability to financially support young girls and women to take part in the training, some are willing to participate in para-rowing training but the environment is not accessible, especially for wheelchair and crutch users and the lack of para-rowing boats and training equipment.

Emily Adhiambo is a human rights defender from Mombasa County. She holds a Higher Diploma in Social Work and Community Development and a Certificate in Public Relations. She is the Founder of Amazing Group of Persons with Disabilities, Likoni Social Justice Center where they advocate for sexual and reproductive health rights and disability inclusion and accessibility for persons with disabilities. The Centre empowers self-help groups of persons with disabilities on economics, leadership, County Integrated Development Plans and budget-making processes. They also engage in peace-building initiatives with youths to mitigate political differences, restore peace, and offer psychosocial support to reformed youths and victims of violent extremism.

Emily has many achievements she is proud of, including as an elections monitor in Kenya's 2022 elections, being part of a group that led in protests because of inaccessible buildings where they gave their petition to the Governor and the county leadership team. She has been able to reach hundreds of girls with disabilities talking about and instilling skills in accessing sexual and reproductive health rights in Likoni and Kwale Counties. 

Josephine Mwende is from Nairobi County. Over the years, she has acquired competent qualities in leadership such as communication, decision-making, accountability, transparency, confidence, honesty, focus, self-awareness, flexibility, positivity, humility, and a leader in community engagements. She is highly motivated and focused on leadership and advocacy training. She believes the change she wants has to start from within her so that she can be able to share her experiences with society and beyond. 

Josephine believes that making decisions for girls and women with disabilities without girls and women with disabilities is making decisions against girls and women with disabilities. She should fight for her space in leadership and be included in the decision-making process for it concerns her and her community of girls and women with disabilities.    

Winnie Atieno is the founder of Winnheal Pharmacy in Kisumu County. She sits on Nyalenda Ward Bursary Committee and is a member of Kenya Pharmaceuticals Association. She is part of the Constitution Steering Committee representing women and persons with disabilities where she pushes for an increase in the number of bursaries for beneficiaries with disabilities and champions for employment of sign language interpreters in health facilities, and public utility areas. She lost her hearing in class 7 after medication went wrong which affirmed her determination to pursue pharmacy despite challenges from the design of the curriculum.

Part of her desire is to have persons with disabilities go through training,which saw her petition the examining body to review mode of testing that was a hindrance to Deaf persons.Then came the practice licence examinations which she flopped a record 6 times and made it when she successfully petitioned to the board.To date,the examining body made provisions for people with disabilities.She encourages women with disabilities to pursue a course in Pharmacy despite this not being easy because families giving up on their daughter,poverty and employers rarely offer opportunities. 

Teresa Anyango is a woman with a disability from Kisumu County. She is a member of the Kenya Network of Women and Girls with Disabilities, Women Challenged to Challenge, and the Kisumu Women with Disability Organization (KIWODO CBO). 

Teresa advocates for the rights of persons with disabilities focusing mainly on Women and Girls with disabilities. She represents Persons with Disabilities in the Kisumu County selection Board as a Board member where she champions inclusive education for students with disabilities. She is a professional Administrator and a businesswoman operating a Small Enterprise. To sum this up, She is a disability disruptor. 

Lillian Beatrice Ocholla is a lady with a physical disability from Kisumu Central. She possesses a Higher Diploma in Psychology and a profession as a Nurse Counsellor, Lillian brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her roles by profession. She serves as the Chairperson for Winam Disabled Ladies, additionally, she takes on the role of Project Manager Bintisphere Society where her vision and leadership skills drive initiatives that uplift and empower marginalized communities. 

She proudly represents persons with disabilities within the National Government Affirmative Action Fund. She is a sports lady who promotes talents mainly to women and young girls with disabilities. Through her profession, she has helped several persons with disabilities develop self-esteem in her community. Lastly, she has been involved in the prevention of Gender Based Violence against women and young girls with disabilities.

Patience Nyaga
 is a resilient woman hailing from Kisumu County, Kenya. Her life is a testament to the power of determination and resilience in the face of challenges. Professionally, she wears multiple hats; a dedicated businesswoman and an accomplished teacher.Beyond her professional roles, she is deeply committed to advocacy and leadership within the disability community. She proudly serves as a member of both the Kenya Women and Girls with Disability Network and Binti Sphere. In these capacities, she has worked tirelessly to uplift and empower fellow women and girls with disabilities.


Patience's passion lies in championing the rights of girls and women with disabilities, with a special focus on issues related to sexual and reproductive health. As a disability advocate, she strives to break down barriers and challenge the status quo, thus a "disability destructor." She is driven by a vision of a world where disability is not a hindrance but a unique facet of diversity, contributing to the richness of our society. Through her work, she aimto inspire and create positive change, advocating for a more inclusive and equitable world for all.

#16:Meet Maureen Alusa

Maureen Alusa is a woman with visual impairment from Kakamega County. She is managing a school which is an Inclusive Center as a School Administrator. Through this experience, she has been able to gain some knowledge and skills that help her to continue advocating for persons with disabilities. She has created awareness and empowered many girls and women with disabilities within her community by training them to be leaders. She continues to tirelessly work to shed light on the unique challenges faced by girls and women with disabilities within her community. 

Her journey continues to inspire and challenge stereotypes. Her determination, boundless compassion, and unshakable advocacy have paved the way for a more inclusive, equitable, and promising future. Her efforts extend beyond mere awareness; she has initiated comprehensive training programs that equip individuals with disabilities to rise as leaders. Through her guidance and mentorship, Maureen has sparked a positive change, amplifying the voices of those who are marginalized.

Roselyne Katibi hails from Kakamega County and possesses remarkable determination. As a woman confronting challenges associated with her physical disability, she has navigated the journey with the unwavering support of both her faith and the kindness of others. Her tenacity has brought her to where she is today. In her twenties, she embarked on a path of community leadership, focusing on advocating for the inclusion and equal treatment of individuals with disabilities. Her passion for this cause has been a driving force in her life.

She expresses heartfelt gratitude for the invaluable assistance provided by organizations dedicated to people with disabilities, such as the United Disabled Persons of Kenya(UDPK)and numerous others. Their support has played an instrumental role in her journey to her current position. Roselyne Katibi now proudly represents the disabled community as a representative in the Kakamega County Assembly, tirelessly working to ensure that the voices and needs of people with disabilities are heard and addressed.

Carolyne Oreyo hails from Seme Sub-County in Kisumu County. Her leadership journey began as a volunteer, where she worked to facilitate the registration of disabled individuals with the Department of Social Service. Her efforts paved the way for individuals to benefit from international non-governmental organizations and government.Her leadership led to the registration of a Community-Based OrganizationSEME Forum for Persons with Disabilities”.Through this,she has connected girls and women with disabilities to different vocational training centers where upon training are equipped with tools for various trades,including sewing machines, salon kits, and farming tools.

Recognizing challenges faced by single mothers in the disabled community,she has played a role in securing business funds that empower women take care of their families independently. Carolyne represents women with disabilities at Technical Working Committee.Through  collaboration,significant achievements have been made including registration on Universal Health Coverage,distribution of certified seeds/fertilizer by agriculture department,registration to social welfare programs like Inua Jamii and education bursaries.

Jane Achieng is from Kisumu County, and former Secretary of Chemelil Disabled and Support Group. She was appointed as a member and Secretary of the Chemelil Sugar Company Disability Mainstreaming Committee. In this role, she acted as a bridge connecting the management with employees with disabilities and serving as their advocate. She is also an active member of the Muhoroni Community-Based Organization.A key accomplishment at the Committee was the drafting and approval of the Disability Policy, a milestone that set the foundation for an inclusive workplace environment. 

She played a role in implementing a recruitment strategy that ensured minimum representation of employees with disabilities, fostering diversity and equal opportunities within the workforce.Jane facilitated tax exemption of over 20 employees through collaboration with the Human Resource Manager. Under her guidance, ramps were constructed in the administration area, creating a barrier-free and disability-friendly space within the company premises. She also ensured a safe and respectful workplace for employees with disabilities by actively addressing instances of harassment and exploitation. 

Babelyn Mukila hails from the vibrant Mombasa County. As the founder of the Babelynn Mukila Foundation, she embodies the spirit of positive change. Her passion for social transformation led her to establish the Foundation which serves as a beacon of hope, focusing on revolutionizing society by addressing key areas of development, including education, healthcare, business, employment, and talent nurturing. At the heart of her foundation's mission is a commitment to empowering the underprivileged in society. 

Through her foundation, she continues to shape a better tomorrow, one where every individual has the chance to thrive and contribute meaningfully to society. At the core of Babelynn's work is a dedication to inclusivity. She passionately serves the youth, women, and persons with disabilities, recognizing their immense potential and providing them with the necessary tools and opportunities to thrive. With an illustrious background as Former Miss Deaf Africa and Former Miss Tourism Mombasa, Babelynn embodies grace, resilience, and purpose.

#21:Meet Pauline Odhiambo 

Pauline Odhiambo Abungu is a dedicated young individual hailing from Kisumu County, characterized by her unwavering passion for advocating for people with disabilities. She leads a group of youths with disabilities in Kisumu. Together, they employ creative mediums such as poems, skits, and social media to champion the rights and issues concerning the disabled community.

Pauline's commitment extends beyond advocacy; she is deeply invested in the sphere of leadership development, recognizing its pivotal role in empowering persons with disabilities. She firmly believes that by enhancing the leadership skills of individuals within the disabled community, meaningful and lasting impacts can be made, thereby fostering positive change within the disability fraternity. Pauline's dedication to this cause reflects her determination to create a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

Selina Francisca Adhiambo resides in Mombasa County. She is a self-employed fashion designer, specializing in dressmaking. In addition, she is passionate about empowering others. She provides sewing training to underprivileged girls thus enabling them to acquire valuable skills.

Furthermore, she is an active leader within her local church, where she oversees a small group known as the Care Group. Additionally, she contributes to the community by teaching Sunday School, where she nurtures and guides young boys and girls from a tender age, fostering their growth and development. Her commitment to her craft and community drives her to make a positive impact wherever she goes.

She aspires to establish a fashion school empowering girls with disabilities. She dreams of creating an inclusive space where these young women can receive comprehensive training, nurturing their talents and skills, and enabling them to thrive in the world of fashion

Elder Khamusa Lubanga is a dedicated advocate residing in Kakamega County. She holds the position of Chair-Eshitari Location and Marama West Ward People With Disability Forum, showcasing her passion for empowering the community. Khamusa educates individuals with disabilities on initiating small businesses and fostering economic independence within the community. 

She facilitates the acquisition of disability identity cards, ensuring that persons with disabilities receive recognition and support. Khamusa's compassion extends to individuals with Albinism, as she supports them in registering at the Butere Sub-County Hospital for essential skin treatments and sunscreens.

She plays a role in the education system by aiding the registration of children with disabilities in specialized schools like Matungu and Mumias Deaf School. Recognizing the importance of menstrual hygiene management, she provides training to women and girls with disabilities encouraging open discussions about menstrual health. Lastly, she advocates for their health, promoting cervical cancer vaccination and ensuring access to antenatal care.

Jacinta Bahati, a native of Mombasa County, is dedicated to educating both parents and children with disabilities. Her mission is to instill self-acceptance, a thirst for education, and unwavering dedication in their pursuits. Jacinta encourages them to prioritize their faith, firmly believing that disability should never be seen as a limitation to one's abilities.

She actively guides parents of children with disabilities, demonstrating how education and community acceptance can significantly benefit them. Jacinta emphasizes the importance of using respectful language, opposing derogatory terms like "KI_VI," in Swahili which categorize different disabilities such as "Kiwete or "Kiguru"(crippled), "Kipofu"(blind), and "Kizeruzeru"(albinism). She believes employing positive language and nurturing mutual respect and support can empower every individual with a disability to accomplish their goals.

Akwii Lucy Okiyo is a resident of Mombasa County where she serves as a high school teacher. Prior to becoming a teacher, she held roles as a youth leader under the Kenya Union of the Blind from 2006 to 2010. During this time, she represented Kenya as a youth leader under the African Union of the Blind working closely with youths with disabilities from Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Nigeria, Ghana, and Liberia. Additionally, she serves as Vice Chair of Likoni School for the Blind Board of Management.

Lucy has actively contributed to her community by organizing seminars for girls, emphasizing the importance of maintaining good mental health. Recognizing that mental well-being is crucial for persons with disabilities to empower themselves, she pursued Education Psychology during her undergraduate studies. Currently, she is pursuing her postgraduate diploma in Mental Health and Human Psychology, driven by her passion to promote mental health awareness. As an education advocate, Lucy works closely with parents emphasizing the need to educate girls with disabilities.She guides,nurtures and empowers them to pursue their dreams and become future leaders. 

Maximilla Trizzah Ouma, hailing from Kakamega County, courageously faces the challenges of multiple disabilities, epilepsy, psychosocial and visual disability. Despite these hurdles, she stands tall as a community leader, serving as Secretary of Emakale Disabled Self Help Group and Chairlady Emanani Disabled Group. 
Her journey has not been easy. She has endured harassment, isolation, and discrimination, facing the denial of her rights as a woman with disabilities.Cultural and social norms have subjected her to degrading names and repeated assaults, making her fight for dignity all the more difficult yet she persists.   Maximilla's personal struggles have equipped her with an understanding of the discrimination faced by individuals with disabilities. Maximilla transforms her experiences into a beacon of inspiration, using her resilience as a foundation to support and uplift others. Through her leadership she strives to dismantle barriers and create an inclusive society.

Wanjiru Ngure is a resilient 50-year-old mother residing in Mombasa, Kenya. Despite the challenges of bilateral poliomyelitis, she has emerged as a beacon of inspiration and change in her community. Jane navigates her daily life using two crutches and calipers, showcasing her strength and determination. With an impressive background spanning 25 years, Jane has dedicated her career to the rehabilitation of children and women with disabilities. In her leadership role, she passionately advocates for their rights and well-being. Her mission is to witness the successful transformation of children through surgical and therapeutic interventions, enabling them to pursue education and embark on careers as they transition into adulthood. 

Jane grapples with limited resources and persistent challenge of having government address disability issues.Additionally, building self-esteem of the young individuals and altering societal perspectives towards disability demands consistent effort. Many of the girls she works with hail from underprivileged families,making her task of empowering and nurturing their potential to assume leadership roles exceptionally daunting.However,she remains unwavering that with support,girls/women with disabilities can overcome obstacles and excel.

Ruth Akinyi is a dedicated advocate for the Deaf community residing in Mombasa County.She is a representative of People with Disabilities (PWDs) in the Constituency Development Fund Education funding program, where she ensures that individuals with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities. Currently, she serves as head of the PWDs Desk and holds position of Chairperson at the Mombasa County Deaf Women Community-Based Organization. 
In addition to these responsibilities,she also serves as a Representative in the County Education Board,specifically overseeing special education initiatives. Her journey in the Deaf women's groups commenced in 2004,and over the years,she has accumulated a wealth of experience in civil space leadership,governance and social networking within Mombasa County.

One significant achievement has been creation of an inclusive environment where PWDs are given priority in service provisions across her county.She believes her experience and passion for advocating the rights and opportunities of the Deaf community can greatly contribute to fostering positive change and progress within Kenya Network of Women and Girls with Disabilities.

Mercy Chiluyi Bukutsa, is a native of Kakamega County, from Chemuche Ward. She is a 25-year-old Social Work student at Maseno University and holds the esteemed position of youth leader within the Umoja East Kabras Women with Disability Organization. As a leader in the organization , she actively champions for the rights of people with disabilities. 

Her personal experience as a visually impaired individual has given her a profound understanding of the challenges faced by youths with disability in the community. She firmly believes in the power of diplomacy and is known for her punctuality and competence. Empowered by her own experiences, Mercy is resolute in her dedication to championing the rights of people with disabilities, with the ultimate aim of eradicating discrimination in our society.

Alexinah Monica hails from Isukha East Ward in 
Shinyalu, Kakamega County. She is not only a caring parent to a visually impaired son but also has low vision. She showcased her resilience and determination by running for the MCA seat, even despite facing numerous obstacles.  With a wealth of experience, she has dedicated in working in two institutions catering for psychosocial disabled children and epilepsy patients. 

Her passion for making a difference in the lives of disabled individuals extends beyond her professional roles. As a leader, she actively engages in sensitization, facilitates referrals, and establishes support groups for disabled members of her community. In addition to her community involvement, Alexinah serves as a valued Board member at the Kakamega School for the Deaf, where her contributions play a crucial role in shaping the institution's support systems.Through her commitment and active participation in various initiatives she continues to support the disabled in her community.

Sarah Mueni,is a proud resident of Mombasa County.She  is not only a devoted parent to 2 children and 2 grandchildren but also a community leader actively engaged in mentoring and leadership initiatives.Serving as Coordinator of Mombasa County Disability Forum, she plays a role in advocating for the rights of persons with disabilities(PWD).She holds the position of Chairperson for the Changamwe Network for Persons with Special Needs overseeing 10 groups and more than 150 members.

Sarah's dedication extends to her role as the Representative for PWD in the National Government Constituencies Development Fund Committee for Changamwe Constituency.With a background in clinical medicine, she brings a unique perspective to her advocacy work.Sarah is deeply committed to raising awareness and advocating for the rights of PWD, not only within Changamwe but throughout the broader community. Her passion for community service led her to contest in the 2022 Kenyan elections for the position of Member of County Assembly, where she secured an admirable seventh place out of thirteen candidates.

Deborah Nzisa, residing in Mombasa, was born with spina bifida, a condition that presented numerous challenges during her childhood, particularly in the school environment where she encountered discrimination and struggled with low self-esteem. At the age of 21,Deborah received essential training on living with her condition through the Spinabifida Hydrocephalus Association Kenya (SHAK). This experience transformed her life, inspiring her to become a dedicated SHAK youth mentor in Mombasa in 2018.


In her role as a mentor, Deborah guides and supports her fellow youths,aiming to shield them from the challenges she once faced. She is committed to raising awareness within the community, advocating for acceptance and inclusion of youths with spina bifida and other disabilities.Additionally she emphasizes the importance of prenatal care,encouraging pregnant women,both with and without disabilities follow medical advice, including taking folic acid, to ensure the health of their unborn children. Deborah extends her impact by visiting schools, where she empowers young girls with knowledge and guidance, helping them navigate the challenges they may encounter. 

Lenah Nyaboke is a trailblazing woman with disability in sports hailing from Nairobi County. Her remarkable journey in sports has been filled with challenges and triumphs.As a female coach and treasurer of the Kenya National Paralympic Committee, she has defied societal norms in a predominantly male-dominated field.


Lenah is dedicated to working with young athletes,a role that positions her as a force for empowerment and mentorship.Through her passion and determination,she serves as an inspiration to aspiring young women and girls, encouraging them to pursue their ambitions and embrace leadership roles in any capacity they choose.

Belinda Oduor is a resilient young woman who despite being an amputee, has emerged as an advocate for disability rights in Kibra community,Nairobi County. As a devoted mother of one,she draws from her personal experiences to address challenges faced by individuals with disabilities.Growing up,Belinda confronted obstacles making it difficult to access education and engage in recreational activities with her peers.Undeterred, she leveraged her own experiences to foster change. After completing high school,she had the privilege of connecting with other women facing similar challenges. It was during these interactions that she recognized the universality of their experiences thus took the initiative to reach out to women with disabilities.
Her efforts involved initiating conversations about disability rights. She also delved into discussions on relationships, uncovering issues faced by women with disabilities and their intimate partners.At present, Belinda is engaged in promoting inclusion of persons with disabilities in policy making processes.Her focus extends to implementing the rights of individuals with disabilities at grassroots level.Through her work,she has  impacted the lives of 400 women and girls with disabilities in areas of Mukuru,Kibra and Mathare. 

Beatrice Nyangai, hailing from Kakamega County, has dedicated herself to community health counseling within the County government in Kakamega General Referral Hospital.Her focus extends to working with Deaf youth, girls and women in educational institutions and broader community.Collaborating with organizations such as Kakamega Deaf Association and Kakamega County Disability Caucus has been instrumental in initiating impactful programs. 

Under Kakamega Immanuel Deaf Church, she spearheaded a merry-go-round that transformed the lives of numerous Deaf women. Many of them, once dependent on their husbands, have now ventured into businesses thus achieving self-reliance. This has empowered Deaf women to provide for their families independently, breaking the cycle of dependence. She aims to be a voice champion for the rights of young girls and women with disabilities. Additionally, she advocates for the training of duty bearers, including the police, chiefs, and the court system to better understand and handle individuals with disabilitiesThrough these efforts, Beatrice seeks to create a more inclusive environment for individuals with disabilities.

Ann Wangari Ndungu from Nairobi County is the founder of Giving Hope to Hopeless Organization. She is dedicated to supporting individuals with disabilities and those living with HIV & AIDS.She serves as the representative for people with disabilities in Roysambu Constituency and is the founder of Ndaton Solutions.She actively contributes to the community as the Board Chair at Muhuti Primary School.

As a woman with a disability, Ann has faced challenges. She has faced  marginalisation,attitudinal barriers, and environmental obstacles leading to discrimination and undervaluation in various contexts.Often labeled as "the disabled woman" (huyo kiwete), she has encountered skepticism about her capabilities and has had instances of sexual harassment.Despite these Ann has risen above adversity, establishing a platform to advocate for people with disabilities and provide assistance.Her commitment has defined her personal journey and allowed her to contribute meaningfully to the well-being of individuals with disabilities.Through her various roles and initiatives, she continues to make a positive impact on the lives of those she represents, fostering inclusivity and empowerment within the community.

Judith Malesi, a lifelong resident of Kakamega County and visually impaired. Recognizing the lack of inclusion for people with disabilities, she took the initiative to raise awareness and advocate for their rights through door-to-door campaigns. Going above and beyond, Judith also provided training to empower persons with disabilities (PWD) in her community on the process of obtaining disability identity cards with the Government.

She currently serves as the Chairperson of a PWD group she founded, Judith takes pride in witnessing the positive impact of her efforts. Through this group, she has fostered a sense of community and empowerment, enabling them to initiate projects aimed at economic empowerment. Judith finds fulfilment in seeing members of the PWD community gaining respect and recognition within society as they contribute to projects that enhance their economic independence

Loise Omondi is a Mental Health Ambassador and the the Founder behind the Mental Disorder Community Based Organization, taking the lead in advocating for psychosocial disability awareness in Kisumu County as persons with Psychosocial disability face significant barriers in their social care and environmental transition.  
She remains dedicated to promoting and championing for the integration of disability considerations, particularly for individuals with psychosocial disabilities, into the County's processe

Grace Areba, a Counsellor by profession from Kisumu County is the Chair Lady at Chanuka Deaf Women Group. Her advocacy primarily focuses on women and girls with disabilities, with a special emphasis on the deaf community. She earned her Bachelor's Degree in Science from Jaramogi Oginga Odinga university and completed a Diploma course with Liverpool VCT and the Kenya Institute of Professional Counselling for Psychology. 

Prior to her current roles, Grace gained valuable experience in the hospitality industry and held positions at the National Aids Control Council as a Project Officer, as well as at Liverpool VCT Health Care & Treatment  as a Counsellor.

Tunai Sherleen Lumumba, is originally from Kakamega County, currently residing in Nairobi County.  Sherleen advocacy journey began in 2019, particularly in the fashion industry, where she encountered significant challenges. These experiences motivated her to learn more and be an outspoken advocate for herself and others.As a young person with albinism, she has faced numerous challenges that often led to her being marginalized. However, these experiences fueled her determination to stand out and advocate for others instead of becoming a victim. 

Her current role as a Public Relations and Advocacy Officer at Positive Exposure - Kenya, have expanded her reach to  gained valuable insights. Her work has opened up opportunities, allowing her to grow and impact others positively. She has participated in various leadership workshops, where she learned to mentor effectively. Through her advocacy work, she has mentored girls with and without albinism, helping them discover their leadership potential, which brings her immense satisfaction.


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